Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Six Words About Me

My cyber-friend Mary tagged me today to share six descriptive words about myself. She chose to use a biblical quote of six words while another cyber-friend, Teresa, chose to list the six words individually. I like Teresa's idea so am going to use that layout too!

Teacher: This was an easy one to pick since it's my profession. I am going into my fourteenth year of teaching with six years off to be with the older kids when they were little. I have taught pre-K, kindergarten, special education (K-5), and an intervention program for lower level learners. I enjoy all aspects of teaching---especially when the light bulb goes on and the skill clicks! I currently teach kindergarten and have the sweetest little special needs child in my class (I had her last year too). She does not speak and cannot perform beyond a toddler level, yet she has grown unbelievably in so many ways. She has taught all my students compassion and patience.

Exhausted: It seems the days are never long enough. Life should be easy right now since we're not in school, yet I am still always tired and feel like I've been run ragged. Could be it's because I hang out with the big kids until late at night, or wait for Katie to get home from somewhere, or hang with Dave watching TV when I could be sleeping. Then, add Anna Grace coming in each nght between 3 and 4am just to see if it's time to get up. Or, Dave getting up at 4:45 to go running with a neighbor. So, I'm getting 5 hours of sleep a night if I'm lucky! Maybe once school starts and everyone is back into a routine, we'll do better. Which brings me to the next word.

Routine-oriented: I thrive on routine. I must be a toddler at heart, do you think? The routine does not need to be the same on a daily basis but I need to know what the "plan of attack" is for the day! This is especially important on days when the big kids have activities that I may need to attend or drive to. It frustrates the living daylights out of me to have someone announce to me, "Oh by the way, I told so-and-so I would come over tonight." I am trying to be more accepting and patient about that since I know teens plan things last minute, but aggh! Fortunately, I can be a little flexible right now since Katie can drive. But when she leaves us for college, I'm up a creek.

Sentimental: I love going through the kids baby boxes and reliving experiences. I can remember events, stories, and other fun things just by seeing a picture or hearing a song. I'm the one you will see crying in the movie theater, or at a commercial, or when reading someone's blog. I got teared up just today when seeing Denise's three babies finally together.

Stressed: It seems I am always stressed about something. Hmm. What is it right now? Our upcoming family trip to NC so see my sister/family, and parents; my husband's six week business trip to China the end of July; job changes for Dave which are being kept quiet for now--even from family (who I doubt reads this blog so I think I'm safe!); school starting in two weeks; Katie being a senior!; college searches; soccer schedules; Anna Grace starting kindergarten at my school; Alex as a freshman; Abby being at the daycare in the morning without her sister; and I could go on and on. I think it's in my nature to be stressed and worried about something. I don't think I've ever been stress free---at least for as long as I can remember!!

Thankful: I am very thankful for my husband of 19 years (been together for almost 23!) and my four beautiful children. My life and world really do revolve around them. I am thankful for our friends and family for being such a part of our lives. We are miles from family so friends play a major part of our lives--espcially on holidays. I am thankful to China for allowing us to bring home our two beautiful Jiangxi girls. And although I may not be the best at attending Mass each week, I am very thankful to God for allowing me to have all that it is in my life.

Now, the "rules" are that I now tag five people to post their six words about themselves. I tag the following people to share their six descriptive words!!! Ladies, send a comment to your "electees" so they know to check your blog for details!

1 comment:

Teresa =) said...

Mary "tagged" me as well. Glad you took part...it's fun to learn more about my "virtual" friends!!

Teresa =)

P.S. The new picture on your profile is too cute!!