Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Those Lazy Summer Days.....

Ah, summertime. School is out. No alarm clock. Pool is open. Playset in the backyard. What could be better than that?

Bet you thought you’d be seeing lots of pictures like these.....

Or these.....

Hmm. Well, no one told my kids that great news.

I hear……

I’m bored.

There’s nothing good to do.

I don’t want to go there.

There’s nothing good to eat.

I don’t want to.



And the list goes on and on.

Today, we had to leave both the pool and the library because the short people could not follow directions. Today, we experienced sassy and disrespectful kids during dinner. Today, we had lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth for not winning the battles. Today, mommy needed two cokes to get started with the day.

Today showed me that mommy needs a vacation.

All by myself.


NeuroMama said...

I have been saying the same thing for the past month. Just a few days all alone would be like nirvana.

day by day said...

You are too funny, Kristin! We hear lots of those things around here, too. : )

Jaime said...

Wow, so its not just in my house. I swore earlier these kids were going to drive us to drinking the adult drinks. ;) If only we could go back in time to the simple days of being bored. Ha ha

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

I think we need to start a mama swap program...you come to my place and I'll go to yours for a couple of days. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? So maybe they kiddos will be better behaved when we switch back?

The Johnson 5 said...

what did you have in mind??
Beach, mountains, mall, I'm there!!

Carrie said...

I am in where we going??????????

a Tonggu Momma said...

Can I come with you??? The whining, oh, the whining. I feel your pain. Or should I say that I HEAR your - er, I mean my - pain. Heh.

Carol said...

yep we here it over here too......and "I'm bored.".......

Donna said...

amen, sister. On the vacation, for sure. If you figure out how to get away BY YOURSELF, let me know your trick!