Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How NOT to Start Your Day

I was resting peacefully in bed at 5:30 this morning…..when a short person approached my bed. I figured she wanted to get in my bed with her sister (who HAS to take over daddy’s spot when he is out of town).

But no.

She said those words we all dread…..

“I think I’m going to frow up.”

And you are standing there talking to me??? Why? Get to the bathroom…..after all, you passed one to get to my room.

After no such “frow up” episode, I put her back to bed (with a bucket) and started my day.

An hour later, I got her up for school.

Whereupon, she had tummy issues. Not major ones, but enough to find the need to be home from school.

Yay me.

Daddy is out of the country so I needed to find a substitute…..within 45 minutes of starting school.

And then it hit me. I had an ace in my pocket. And in my own house.

Katie was home from college for the day to visit the dermatologist.

Yay! She can stay with Abby.

When I woke her up though, she was less than thrilled with the prospect of staying home with a kid who was “frowing up”. Can’t say I blame her.

Plus, it interfered with her nap and homework time.

But off to school I went anyhow. Came home during Katie’s doctor appointment to stay with Abby and found a very happy, bouncy, child.

Hmmm. Guess there was no virus after all. Perhaps too much drainage from the yucky nose.

Returned to school, finished the day, and came home to one big girl and one little girl playing outside on the driveway with chalk.

Spent the afternoon watching her play, bounce around, and be silly. Sick, you say? I think not.

But what did I hear after I put her in bed?

Mommy, my tummy hurts.

Oh no it does not!

1 comment:

Jboo said...

Not a great way to start the day! I hate those "my tummy hurts" comments -- what can you do about a tummy ache??? Hope she's feeling better and nobody else gets the tummy troubles!
